Sustainable Advanced Materials Research Group

Awards & Recognitions

[18] Bilim Akademisi Genç Bilim İnsanları Ödül (BAGEP), 2023.

[17] Mehmet Şuhubi Award within the framework of the TTGV Awards given by the Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV), 2021.

[16] Second prize in the poster competition for master students SPE ACCE 2020 (Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition)- World's Best Automotive Conference organized by Ford Motor Company and General Motors Company, September 9-11, 2020.

[15] Theodore-von-Kármán-Fellowship, ITA Aachen, Germany, 2019.

[14] Best poster presentation award, Kordsa-Sabancı University Joint Project, Smart Nanomaterials 2018 Conference, one of the prestigious conferences in Europe involving in applied research, Paris, December 10-13, 2018.

[13] Award for Nanografen, ITU Cekirdek Bigbang competition, 60000 TL investment award, November 12, 2016.

[12] 2nd place award, The project title: Fabrication of high performance thermoplastic nanocomposites by reformulating masterbatches by the addition of graphene produced from recycling process as a multi-functional filler, Nanocomposites project competition organized by Yıldız Technical University Technology Transfer Office, November 2, 2016.

[11]  3rd place award, The project title: Development of lightweight, high strength and low cost graphene containing resin formulation for new generation automotive composites, 5. Automotive Project Competition May 5-6, 2016.

[10] 2nd place award in the Project competition about new technologies in automotive sector organized by Yıldız Technical University Technology Transfer Office on November 18, 2015. The project entitled as “Graphene production by recycling process and its use as a reinforcing and weight-reducing agent in automotive plastics”.

[9] Oral presentation award, 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Conference, July 16-17, 2015, Rome, Italy.

[8] I2CAM Travel Award, Research collaboration with University of California, Berkeley, USA, October 2-12, 2013.

[7]  Best poster award among 330 project posters in Euronanoforum 2013 conference, Europe's biggest nanotechnology event, 18th- 20th of June 2013 in Dublin, Ireland.

[6]  I2CAM Travel Award to attend 2010 Fall MRS Meeting in Boston, MA, USA.

[5]  Saner, B., Okyay, F., Yurum,Y., Fuel, Vol. 89, Issue 8, pp. 1903-1910 (2010)” was ranked in 7th among Top 25 Hottest Articles in Fuel via Sciencedirect in 2010.

[4]  2010 Future Leader in Chemistry, Fellowship, CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) Student Information Exchange Program (including visiting research facilities and attending ACS Spring Meeting), August 16-26, 2010, Columbus, OH and Boston, MA, USA. 

[3] Oral presentation award, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanosystems, 10-13 August 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

[2] Full scholarship, Sabanci University, Turkey, Ph.D. Program of Material Science & Engineering, 2007-2011.

[1] Full scholarship, Sabanci University, Turkey, M.Sc. Program of Material Science & Engineering, 2005-2007.